[Multimedia] Application Joyeye Lite

[Multimedia] Application Joyeye Lite

Postby daro1357 » 8 Sep 2012, o 21:27

Application Joyeye Lite


The program for Nokia Smartphone camera become a LOMO style camera, and takes some fun photos, such as 4-lens action sampler.

You to preview the photos with some fun filters on camera display before shooting, e.g., Color (E2C, W/B, Retro), Distort (Mirror), Stylize (Scan line), Frame (Angel, Rock, Polaroid).

You apply filters on the photos you took before. There are several filter categories, e.g. Color, Distort, Stylize and Frame, etc.

You to share the photos processed by Joyeye Lite to joyeye.com, micro-blog to joyeye.com and sync to more mobile SNS communities, if you want, such as Twitter, Facebook, Picasa, Flickr, Pixelpipe, Sina, Sohu, Renren, Kaixin.


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daro1357 Male
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