[C6-00] Dead Flash

Wbudowane oprogramowanie, problemy z softem, flashowanie.

[C6-00] Dead Flash

Postby Drzemor » 8 Sep 2012, o 10:56

sparawa wygląda następująco otóż, wczorajszego dnia, mój kolega postanowił zrobić sobie flash softa na swojej noki przez Nokia Software Update, z tego co mi mówił gdzieś w połowie wyskoczył mu błąd , klikał kilka razy klikał "spróbuj ponownie" i w końcu zrezygnował... efekt jest taki że podczas próby włączenia, telefon reaguje tylko krótkimi wibracjami, próby death flashu do pewnego momentu lecą ok

Starting to recover the phone
Recovering phone
Flashing phone
Scanning image files...
Waiting for USB device...
Loading secondary boot code: 15232 bytes
Secondary boot loaded
BB Asic Index is: 00
Asic ID is: 000000010000022600010006400C192101051103
BB Asic Index is: 00
EM Asic ID is: 00000296
BB Asic Index is: 00
EM Asic ID is: 00000B22
BB Asic Index is: 00
Public ID is: 0860010B1B8C025263FE313FA67A42D6C490ED13
BB Asic Index is: 00
Asic Mode ID: 00
BB Asic Index is: 00
Hash: 479C6DDE3942E12C429C1D6ADED80371
BB Asic Index is: 00
ROM ID: 4B9B75103E691FF8
BB Asic Index is: 00
Device type is: 05
Device Index is: 00
Manufacturer code: 0000
Device ID: 0000
Extended device ID: 0000
Revision ID: 0000
BB Asic Index is: 00
Device type is: 04
Device Index is: 00
Manufacturer code: FFFF
Device ID: 0000
Extended device ID: 0000
Revision ID: 0000
BB Asic Index is: 00
Device type is: 00
Device Index is: 00
Manufacturer code: 0020
Device ID: 0050
Extended device ID: 0000
Revision ID: 0031
BB Asic Index is: 00
Device type is: 00
Device Index is: 01
Manufacturer code: 0000
Device ID: 0001
Extended device ID: 0000
Revision ID: 0000
BB Asic Index is: 00
Device type is: 03
Device Index is: 00
Manufacturer code: 0020
Device ID: 0050
Extended device ID: 0000
Revision ID: 0031
Loading update server code: 603306 bytes
Update server loaded
Asic CMT: Start programming 93548 KB...
Asic CMT: Programming data sent: 0%
Asic CMT: Programming data sent: 10%
Asic CMT: Programming data sent: 20%
Asic CMT: Programming data sent: 30%
Asic CMT: Programming data sent: 40%
Asic CMT: Programming data sent: 50%
Asic CMT: Programming data sent: 60%
Asic CMT: Programming data sent: 70%
Asic CMT: Programming data sent: 80%
Asic CMT: Programming data sent: 90%
Asic CMT: Programming data sent: 100%
Programming complete
Asic CMT: Verifying communication to device...
Waiting for communication response: 25
Waiting for communication response: 24
Waiting for communication response: 23
Waiting for communication response: 22
Waiting for communication response: 21
Waiting for communication response: 20
Waiting for communication response: 19
Waiting for communication response: 18
Waiting for communication response: 17
Waiting for communication response: 16
Waiting for communication response: 15
Waiting for communication response: 14
Waiting for communication response: 13
Waiting for communication response: 12
Waiting for communication response: 11
Waiting for communication response: 10
Waiting for communication response: 9
Waiting for communication response: 8
Waiting for communication response: 7
Waiting for communication response: 6
Waiting for communication response: 5
Waiting for communication response: 4
Waiting for communication response: 3
Waiting for communication response: 2
Waiting for communication response: 1
Error 0x8401F121 communicating to phone. Unable to verify comm.
Warning: Unable to communicate to product after flashing
Starting to recover the phone
Recovering phone
Scanning image files...
Phone recovery completed. Waiting for phone to boot up
Bootup successful
Verifying communication to product (before flash finalizing)
Communication verified
Verifying communication to product (before flash finalizing)
Communication verified
Verifying communication to product (before flash finalizing)
Failed to verfy communication to product

z tym że za każdym razem weryfikacji musiałem pobudzać telefon ładowarką, tzn. właczał się na chwile wyskakiwało "Comunication verified" chwile potem plum (dźwięk rozłaczenia urządzenia) i taki błąd


i siedzę w martwym punkcie, teraz nic nie robiąc (telefon podłaczony do usb i ładowarki) co chwile system go wykrywa i gaśnie

Ma ktoś pomysł co zrobić?
Drzemor Male

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Age: 29

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