Project Life - Scrapbooking v1.7

Aplikacje Android

Post by eros10 » 14 Sep 2016, o 23:12





Never before has scrapbooking been so easy, so fast, or so available in the palm of your hand! The Project Life® App takes simplicity to a whole new level.

Built-in templates and pre-designed artwork allow for scrapbook pages to come together in just minutes. Pull in your photos from your Photo Gallery. There are hundreds of fantastic designer cards to choose from within the app and more being added on a monthly basis. Add some quick journaling notes and you're done!

Don't allow your memories to stay trapped on your device. The best part of this game-changing method of scrapbooking is seamlessly sharing completed pages with your friends and family - and of course getting those pages printed that you can enjoy actual, real scrapbooks! Follow @BeckyHigginsLLC on Instagram and Twitter for ongoing inspiration.


import photos from Photo Gallery
zoom, crop, and rearrange photos
easy drag + drop photos and cards between spots
zoom in and around your page for closer details
adjust font style, size, color and more
colored background options
lots of page layout options
a library of card designs and kits available
corners can be rounded or square
several 4x6 and 6x8 collage options
use Speech-to-Text for fast journaling
pages in progress automatically save to library
completed pages and collages in one place
view specific card designs for Project Life collections
export, share, and print completed pages

Requirements : Android 4.1 +
Size : 99 MB


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Post by adam111 » 27 kwi 2009, o 00:00

BoTs RoX! :D
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