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Re: [07.23] [EN] Orange Homescreen & S40v6 look

PPM w języku polskim
Czcionka zmienia się SonySketch
OrangeHomescreen w języku polskim

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by rushid
4 Feb 2011, o 05:35
Forum: Patche: 5220XM
Topic: [07.23] [EN] Orange Homescreen & S40v6 look
Replies: 14
Views: 4417

Re: [07.23] [EN] Orange Homescreen & S40v6 look

i zrobi to za Ciebie. i będzie po przeliczeniu ppm w ciągu następnych 2 dni a także dodać języku polskim. Ale jedynym problemem będzie to, że orange homescreen nie będzie aktywny. [ Komentarz dodany przez: michero : 3 lutego 2011, o 15:40 ] You can write in english:) I think it would be better;)
by rushid
3 Feb 2011, o 16:38
Forum: Patche: 5220XM
Topic: [07.23] [EN] Orange Homescreen & S40v6 look
Replies: 14
Views: 4417

Re: [07.23] [EN] Orange Homescreen & S40v6 look

ya to zrobić.
nie mam żadnych problemów
by rushid
1 Feb 2011, o 17:06
Forum: Patche: 5220XM
Topic: [07.23] [EN] Orange Homescreen & S40v6 look
Replies: 14
Views: 4417

[07.23] [EN] Orange Homescreen & S40v6 look

Features: 1. Orange Homescreen available in English 2. Attractive cursive font 3. Smilies changed 4. Languages: English & Hindi Screenshots:
by rushid
28 Jan 2011, o 20:48
Forum: Patche: 5220XM
Topic: [07.23] [EN] Orange Homescreen & S40v6 look
Replies: 14
Views: 4417

Re: [09.97] 99.99% icons changed ppm

fantastic work dude!!!!!

kya modifications hai yaar!!!

simply mindblowing!!
by rushid
1 Dec 2010, o 17:38
Forum: Patche: 2700c
Topic: [09.97] 99.99% icons changed ppm
Topic evaluation: Evaluations: 1, Average: 5.00.Evaluations: 1, Average: 5.00.Evaluations: 1, Average: 5.00.Evaluations: 1, Average: 5.00.Evaluations: 1, Average: 5.00.
Replies: 5
Views: 4016

Re: Patch 2700c - Orange Homescreen ze zmodyfikowanymi ikonami.

hi smatt92.. i dont think that mr & mk ppm is properly configured 4 orange homescreen.. beacuse after changing the varient file, orange homescreen gets enabled but it doesnt actually work properly i.e. no text is displayed.. so do u hav any solution 4 it?? Hiee Rushi try to falsh your phone with...
by rushid
18 Nov 2010, o 08:37
Forum: Patche: 2700c
Topic: [09.97] Orange Homescreen ze zmodyfikowanymi ikonami.
Replies: 11
Views: 4809

Re: Patche:2700c

hi smatt92.. felt really gud 2 c an indian in dis polish forum.. i liked d way u've customized d orange homescreen in ur phone. im havin nokia 5220 xm customized firmware wid orange hs... der's only 1 prob i.e. der's no hindi language in it.. so all d incoming smses which r in hindi dey dont get dis...
by rushid
17 Nov 2010, o 08:04
Forum: Patche: 2700c
Topic: [09.97] Orange Homescreen ze zmodyfikowanymi ikonami.
Replies: 11
Views: 4809

Re: Nokia Screen Dumper (NSD) - screenshoty z telefonów Nokia OS - S40.

oprogramowanie jest bardzo przydatne

thank you
the software was very much useful
by rushid
14 Nov 2010, o 09:12
Forum: Programy na komputer
Topic: Nokia Screen Dumper (NSD) - screenshoty z telefonów Nokia OS - S40.
Replies: 50
Views: 21578

Re: [07.23] ZiomalMod wydanie "Prawie jak X3"

thank you... your link helped me rushid , you want to activate Orange Menu? Look at: I must edit you ppu file. I don't think so. There are no position called "homescreen":
by rushid
12 Nov 2010, o 13:52
Forum: Patche: 5220XM
Topic: [07.23] ZiomalMod wydanie "Prawie jak X3"
Topic evaluation: Evaluations: 1, Average: 5.00.Evaluations: 1, Average: 5.00.Evaluations: 1, Average: 5.00.Evaluations: 1, Average: 5.00.Evaluations: 1, Average: 5.00.
Replies: 17
Views: 4920

Re: [07.23] ZiomalMod wydanie "Prawie jak X3"

English: i have used the above mentioned file to enable orange homescreen on my nokia 5220 now the problem which im facing is the text attached to the menu items is not being displayed.. any idea as to what might be the problem because I'm new to all this ppm modifications stuff.. there might be man...
by rushid
12 Nov 2010, o 08:59
Forum: Patche: 5220XM
Topic: [07.23] ZiomalMod wydanie "Prawie jak X3"
Topic evaluation: Evaluations: 1, Average: 5.00.Evaluations: 1, Average: 5.00.Evaluations: 1, Average: 5.00.Evaluations: 1, Average: 5.00.Evaluations: 1, Average: 5.00.
Replies: 17
Views: 4920

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