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[08.25] Apple OS x2

Nokia X2:00 RM-618 8.25
firmware for x2 Apple OS x2, font is different, with the Polish language


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by dima5130
13 Feb 2012, o 14:13
Forum: Patche: X2-00
Topic: [08.25] Apple OS x2
Replies: 1
Views: 2070

Re: [08.25] Windows7 Mod Mobile

for that would all change the icons in the menu should flash your phone is not only ppm, and Wei firmware, ie files content and MSM, then it will be fully rabott sidebar Orange Home screen Please Login or Register, to see this Content a link to the full firmware, it all changed, this mod is made und...
by dima5130
1 Jan 2012, o 12:37
Forum: Patche: X2-00
Topic: [08.25] Windows7 Mod Mobile
Replies: 12
Views: 5248

Re: [08.25] Windows7 Mod Mobile

modyfikacji do prawidłowej pracy trebuestya pełną listę zmienionych plików do pobrania tutaj
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Fail, gdy miga zmienić ppm to byłoby jak na ekranie i uruchom budkt sidebar

Przepraszam za pisanie krzywej z polskim tłumaczem
by dima5130
15 Dec 2011, o 23:25
Forum: Patche: X2-00
Topic: [08.25] Windows7 Mod Mobile
Replies: 12
Views: 5248

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