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Re: Rozgryzanie MCU! Dyskusje ogólne o kodzie wykonywalnym.

Key? What key? Phone have unique key - value, which can give us access to many things. But it useless.
Rap_pub_id? It can be retrieved easy.
It is not.
Papubkey? All keys can be readed. it not a problem.

Or keys - it about se? X)

Hmm, as i seen - no any real info.
by JayDi
19 Aug 2010, o 20:49
Forum: [S40] Warsztat
Topic: Rozgryzanie MCU! Dyskusje ogólne o kodzie wykonywalnym.
Replies: 118
Views: 20218

Re: Rozgryzanie MCU! Dyskusje ogólne o kodzie wykonywalnym.

edit ppm and cnt can edit anyone. It is not interest.
Topic - i know about. For me interest - what done and what need. No more. If i can help - i try.
by JayDi
19 Aug 2010, o 19:03
Forum: [S40] Warsztat
Topic: Rozgryzanie MCU! Dyskusje ogólne o kodzie wykonywalnym.
Replies: 118
Views: 20218

Re: Rozgryzanie MCU! Dyskusje ogólne o kodzie wykonywalnym.

Hi all. Guys, sorry, but my Polish knowledge in near zero :) I really can't understand what about exactly... But - about topic - i have my own flasher, sources, some infos, docs, can read flashfiles as simple book and many other thing. But can't provide it fully and for all. Because it spent more, t...
by JayDi
19 Aug 2010, o 18:47
Forum: [S40] Warsztat
Topic: Rozgryzanie MCU! Dyskusje ogólne o kodzie wykonywalnym.
Replies: 118
Views: 20218

Re: Nokia Screen Dumper - NSD.

NSD v2.0 already exist. Java screen adjusted and work without any problem ( expect java with inet connection )

offtop : exist any girl on this forum? maybee i will be here =)
by JayDi
30 Nov 2009, o 01:02
Forum: Programy na komputer
Topic: Nokia Screen Dumper (NSD) - screenshoty z telefonów Nokia OS - S40.
Replies: 50
Views: 22259

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