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Re: Touch Red & Touch Blue by Yan Flahorn!

PostPosted: 28 Oct 2012, o 21:56
by d.marco
kosmita1993, Witam czy jest szansa na ten motyw lecz na innym serwerze bo mam problem z pobraniem :hmm:

Re: Touch Red & Touch Blue by Yan Flahorn!

PostPosted: 28 Oct 2012, o 22:01
by emberdo
Touch Blue:
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Touch Red:
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Re: Touch Red & Touch Blue by Yan Flahorn!

PostPosted: 15 Oct 2013, o 12:55
by moreee

Można wiedzieć co to za program/widget co pokazuje stan pamięci?
Bo mi się rzucił w pierwszym screenie ;p

Re: Touch Red & Touch Blue by Yan Flahorn!

PostPosted: 15 Oct 2013, o 13:00
by ramzes234
Handy Taskman

[ Dodano: 15 paź 2013, o 13:00 ]