Advanced Download Manager Pro v5.1.2 build 51242

Aplikacje Android

Post by eros10 » 6 Oct 2016, o 09:48





Description :
Powerful Downloader for Android:
- downloading from internet up to three files simultaneously;
- accelerated downloading by using multithreading (9 parts)
- interception of links from android browsers and clipboard;
- download files in background and resume after failure;
- loader for images, documents, archives and programs;
- downloading to SD-card for Lollipop and Marshmallow;
- smart algorithm for increased speed of downloading;
- downloading only through the internet on Wi-Fi;
- boost downloader for 2G, 3G and 4G networks;
- changing the maximum speed in real time;
- video downloader and music downloader;
- resuming of interrupted downloads;
- support files larger than 2 gigabyte;
- parallel download files in queue.

Advanced Settings:
- interface customization and themes;
- select the folder for downloaded files;
- different automatic actions after finishing;
- save different file types in different folders;
- create an empty file to accelerate downloading;
- autostop process if the battery charge level is low;
- import list of links from a text file on SD-card;
- autoresume after errors and break of connection;
- planning start of downloading at right time;
- turbo mode for speed up downloading;
- getting size of file and beautiful name;
- backup list of downloads and settings;
- profiles for each type of connection;
- automatic operation on schedule;
- support quick autoadd download.

Info :
Requirements : Android 4.0+
Size : 1.6 mb

-Paid Version


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Post by adam111 » 27 kwi 2009, o 00:00

BoTs RoX! :D
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Oddajcie mi cześć!

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