FlightHero is a flight-tracking app that provides a real time flight status information and helps you to know flight status, lets you to track a flight. Aware of the fact that is also shows a real time flight-board with arrivals and departures, airport traffic delays and a current airport weather in addition to a 15 day detailed weather forecast and synchronizes with your TripIt account (via In-App TripIt Sync AddOn).
Why we asking you to give a FligthHero special permissions?
- Identity: Used for implementing a user account functionality for saving your flight related data such as favorite flights, favorite accounts and your customized settings.
- Calendar: Used for synchronizing your upcoming fligths with a calendar of your choose so that you won't miss the flight (optional)
- Location: Used for determing nearest airports to you and planes nearby.
- Photos/Media/Files: Used for viewing your stored boarding passes in the app and for moving a FligthHero app to an SD card (optional)
- Camera: For making pictures of your boarding passes
- WiFi connection information: Used to understand whether your WiFi is ON or OFF
- Device and call information: Used for ability to send a text message with flight status
Requirements : Android 4.0.3 +
Size : 22 mb
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