This application allows showing the caller's picture (CallerID) in full screen during the call and incoming messages.
Compatible with:
- Symbian^3
- S60 3rd edition
- S60 5th edition

Main features:
- Showing full screen caller's picture during the call;
Showing sender's picture and subject for incoming messages;
Ability to select a picture from the Gallery, File Browser or take a picture with the camera;
Support for displaying big pictures stored in Contacts (for S60 3rd edition FP2 and S60 5th edition);
Displaying call time and current time during the call;
Three display modes: full screen, details, full screen details;
Ability to set pictures for Contact Groups, unknown numbers and a default picture;
How does it work:
- During the call, Best Full Screen Caller shows big picture and detailed information associated with the contact.
To have Best Full Screen Caller showing a big picture during the call, you have to activate it - simply click Activate in the main view of the application.
Best Full Screen Caller allows associating a big picture with each contact, group or even unknown caller. To set the picture, click Pictures in the main view of the application, select the contact or the group and set a picture for them using menu item Select picture.
Use Joystick right arrow to see the tabs allowing to select pictures for other types of callers (groups, private number, default picture).
If a contact already has a big picture associated with him in phone Contacts (for S60 3rd edition FP2 & S60 5th edition), the application will automatically display this picture.
In this dialog you can configure the following settings:
- Show on - defines whether to show the screen during outgoing and/or incoming calls;
Backlight - normal or always on during a call;
Show messages on - allows displaying the incoming messages in full screen;
Picture quality - defines the quality of big photo;
Font size - size of font in pixels;
Show title - allows showing or hiding the title pane, when the title is hidden, caller's picture may be a little bigger;
Title - allows setting the display mode of the top info line.
Layout dialog:
To customize the options of default Layout, open the Pictures dialog and select Edit layout command from Options menu.
If the caller belongs to a group with a custom Layout, then the settings of Layout for this group will be used to display the picture. To set a custom layout for a group of contacts, select a group in Groups tab and choose Create layout command from menu.
Caller information screen can be adjusted with the following options:
- Display mode - full screen mode, detail mode, full screen detail;
Photo v-align - vertical align of photo;
Photo h-align - horizontal align of photo;
Caption v-align - vertical align of caption;
Details opacity / Details color - defines transparency and color of details list-box;
Background - allows setting as background current theme, custom solid color or picture;
Background picture - this option is accessible when Background is set to Picture and is used to select a picture for background;
Text color - this option is accessible when Background is set to Picture or Color;
Selection text - this option is accessible when Background is set to Picture or Color;
Background color - this option is accessible when Background is set to Picture or Color;
Highlight opacity / Highlight color - defines transparency and color of caption and listbox highlighted item; this option is accessible when Background is set to Picture or Color;
1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th Caption fields - allows choosing which information exactly about the caller will be shown in the caption;
Detail fields - allows showing or hiding fields in detail mode;
Note: the thumbnail picture that may be already associated to the contact in Contacts database is very small and will be shown automatically only in Details mode if there is no other picture selected for the contact or the group it belongs to.
You can preview the outcome of your settings selection with help of Preview command (the calling number, being undefined, will always display as +1234567890 in this mode).
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