Business Professional Ringtone Collection

Business Professional Ringtone Collection

Postby ptakuwrc » 20 Jan 2011, o 22:06


170 mp3 | 128 Kbps | 9.33 MB

Categories in this package:

- Real Ringtones (including analog and digital real phones)

- Future Ringtones (in 20 years, all phones will ring like this)

- Melody Ringtones (a short but noticeable melody ringing)

- Morphing Ringtones (e.g. begins as analog bell - then digital and back)

- Fun Ringtones (even those are not only like barking, etc.)

- Voice Rings (combined with future / real ringtones, use these ringtones with caller-id programs)

- Notification Sounds (for e.g. incoming SMS, MMS, etc.)

- Voice Notifications

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