GrieeX - Movies & TV Shows Pro v1.2.7

Aplikacje Android

Post by eros10 » 8 Sep 2016, o 23:36





GrieeX is an application that you can manage and access to your movies/TV shows which are been kept in your archives quickly. Only input the movie or TV show name into the application and let GrieeX handle the rest.

If you use the desktop application of GrieeX, you can export your movie list to you Android mobile devices (mobile phones, tablets, etc.) Backup your movie list from the desktop application of GrieeX to Dropbox and import them to your Android devices. That's all!!!

If you want to use the app ad free, you should download GrieeX Pro. Besides, you will have the option to back up your lists to Dropbox.

You can install GrieeX more than one device with your Android account at the same time.

If you uninstall GrieeX after purchasing it, you don't have to pay any fee to reinstall GrieeX.

In GrieeX free; movie section is limited for 500, TV shows section 25 records. You can add unlimited records by installing the pro version.

Top Features:
-Get information (overview,trailers,cast,rating, duration, etc.) on your favorite Tv Shows and movies.
-Useful and easy user interface
-List view and thumbnail
-Custom Lists
-Theme support
-Watch trailers
-Movies Top 250 and TV Shows Top 250
-Dropbox Backup (GrieeX Pro)
-Batch processing (GrieeX Pro)
-Search and filter on the list

Requirements : Android 4.1+
Size : 7mb

Important notice: This application is not for downloading and watching movies/TV shows.


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