[Gry] How do I set up mods and custom resource packs in Minecraft Pocket Edition?

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[Gry] How do I set up mods and custom resource packs in Minecraft Pocket Edition?

Postby jamesss » 12 Jun 2023, o 12:16

To set up mods and custom resource packs in Minecraft Pocket Edition, you can follow these steps:

Make sure you have the latest version of Minecraft Pocket Edition installed on your device.

Find and download the mods or resource packs you want to use. Make sure they are compatible with the version of Minecraft Pocket Edition you have.

Locate the downloaded mods or resource packs on your device. They are usually saved as .mcpack or .mcaddon files.

Tap on the downloaded file, and Minecraft Pocket Edition Apk download should automatically open and import the mod or resource pack. You may see a prompt confirming the import. Click "Import" to proceed.

Once the import is complete, the mod or resource pack should appear in your Minecraft Pocket Edition settings. To access these settings, open Minecraft, go to "Settings," then select "Global Resources."

In the "Global Resources" section, you should see a list of available resource packs and mods. Enable the ones you want to use by tapping on the toggle switch next to each entry. You can arrange the order of resource packs by dragging them up or down in the list.

After enabling the mods or resource packs, exit the settings menu and start a new world or load an existing one. The mods and resource packs should now be applied to your Minecraft Pocket Edition gameplay.

Remember to always use trusted sources when downloading mods or resource packs, and be mindful of compatibility with your Minecraft Pocket Edition version to avoid any issues. Enjoy your customized Minecraft experience
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