Instant Heart Rate Monitor Pro v5.36.2817

Aplikacje Android

Post by eros10 » 20 Aug 2016, o 00:01





nstant Heart Rate is the most accurate Heart Rate Monitor app for any smartphone and it does not need any external hardware.
Use it for optimizing your exercise and to track your progress.
Install it now and keep fit.

Accuracy is constantly tested by fitness coaches, nurses, doctors, EMTs and 5 million users like you.

Place the tip of your index finger on phone's camera and in a couple of seconds your Heart Rate will be shown.
A real-time chart will show your every heart beat.

It uses your phones built-in camera to track color changes on the fingertip that are directly linked to your pulse. This is the same technique that medical pulse oximeters use.

Now you have a chance to track your fitness and health every-time with just your phone.
Your resting heart rate gives you a view into your hearts fitness. The fitter you get the lower your heart rate will be.

✓ Heart rate measurements
✓ Real time PPG graph - see your every heart beat
✓ History

What's in this version :

- Introducing Heart Health Programs to not only measure but also improve your heart health
- Integration with Argus, our 360 health companion so you can do a ton more
- bug fixes and stability improvements

Requirements : Android 2.1+
Size : 35 mb


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Post by adam111 » 27 kwi 2009, o 00:00

BoTs RoX! :D
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