Zainstaluj coś z marketu co doda skrót do screenaMUsk wrote:Ma ktoś pomysł jak naprawić nieskrinszotowość ?
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Integrate the ffmpeg as the stagefright-plugins to support much more multimedia files. Now we can play HD and full HD videos in apps.
Use the latest longterm stable kernel 3.10.52 with more drivers enabled. Most netbooks can run Android-x86 in the native resolution.
OpenGL ES hardware acceleration for AMD Radeon and Intel chipsets (PowerVR chips are NOT supported).
Enhance the installer to support upgrade from previous versions (since ics-x86). The text based GUI installer supports ext3/ext2/ntfs/fat32 filesystems.
KitKat style lanucher (Trebuchet).
Support Multi-touch, Wifi, Audio, Bluetooth, G-sensor and Camera.
Support Huawei 3G modem.
Simulate sdcard by internal storage.
External usb drive and sdcard are auto mounted to /storage/usbX on plugging. Support filesystem vfat/ntfs/exfat/ext4.
Support hybrid mode of iso images.
Multi-user support (max .
Support Ethernet (DHCP only).
Support 5-point touch calibration on some devices.
Support VM like Qemu and VMware.
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