[Internet] MeeFox

[Internet] MeeFox

Postby Wunder Wungiel » 19 Jul 2021, o 19:01

MeeFox to przeglądarka na MeeGo. Oryginalny opis:

MeeFox is a web browser for Harmattan

MeeFox is native ui for QmlMozBrowser, based on Firefox Embedlite

How to use MeeFox. Useful info about features.

Long tap on web page to show overlay ui
Dont release your finger, just move it to select action
Move to address bar to activate it
Move to bottom Tools bar to activate it
Start page have landscape layout

Settings description:

Reflow text: change max line width to display width to fit text on page in single column.
Scroll lock ratio: options to control scroll locking in X-Y axis. Makes scrolling behaviour similar to stock browser.
Long tap delay. Time in msecs you need to hold finger to show overlay UI
LongTap cancel distance. Fine-tuning setting. Distance in pixels to cancel showing overlay menu after LongTap triggered by delay.
Touch radius: radius to search "closest" element on web page for Single click action and highlighting
if you moved out touch radius borders, you always can double tap on value text and enter value manually
Touch offset fine tuning: utilities to help some users to tune their taps for browser. Someone tapping under links, someone above. Use it only if you cant use bigger Touch radius.

Wersja na MeeGo.


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Wunder Wungiel Male
Wunder Wungiel

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Telefon: Nokia 808 || Nokia N9 || Nokia N900
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    Windows 10 Firefox


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