Memory Booster [Full Version] v7.0.6 Final

Aplikacje Android

Post by eros10 » 26 Aug 2016, o 01:18





Memory Booster aims at enhancing system speed by resolving memory issues on Android devices with
★ Real-time RAM usage
★ Task Killer
★ Cache Cleaner
★ Garbage Collector
★ Auto Boost
★ Whitelist/Ignore list
★ System info

Supported languages: English, Korean, Japanese, Traditional Chinese, Simplified Chinese, Italian, French, Russian, Spanish, German, Turkish, Polish, Arabic, Greek, Indonesian, Slovak, Albanian

Memory level status and memory usage graph

Free memory level is the main factor that affects how fast system runs. Memory Booster shows you real-time free memory level, and provides a live chart to demonstrate how memory changes.

One-tap Quick Boost
Quick Boost recovers memory by killing running tasks, cleaning cache and system garbage. It rescues your phone from running slow and behaving abnormal in no time.

Customizable Auto Boost Features
To make memory boosting easier, Auto Boost can be set at different boost levels (General, Optimum and Ultimate boost) with multiple boost strategies: auto boost at regular interval, or when memory drops down to a certain level or when device is locked.

Whitelist Manager/Ignore List
Whitelist Manager protects fatal system processes from being killed. And it allows you to add favorite apps or remove unnecessary apps from the list.

Requirements : Varies with device
Size : 4 mb


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Post by adam111 » 27 kwi 2009, o 00:00

BoTs RoX! :D
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