Dedicated to all C5-00 lovers::::
C5-00 CFW v1.0 based on C5-00 OFW v071.005, [RM-645]
(many thanks to Sieman0 for his great help.
~|Language|~: English&Arabic only
(+-+)Major Changes(+-+)::::
*) Permanent H@ck (apply Installserver RP+ for installation and Op4all patch for accessing system folders)
*)16 themeFX integrated to ROM
(go to Rompatcher+ and apply respective patches then goto themes and turn off and ON theme effects)
*)Annoying Java permission disabled, goto application manager for setting accespoint and some others.
*)No SmS sending after flashing
....;;;;Apps integrated to ROM;;;;....
1.Rompatcher+ v3.1 with autostart(please remove patches folder from MMC before flash.Important patches already integrated)
2.Restart and ShutDown
3.MemCheck v0.05
4.Coreplayer v1.36
6.OpLogo Changer
___** 3 Themes integrated to ROM with anna icons **___
_*_*_ MODES_*_*_
1.Theme Effect Changed To ON
2.Annoying Camera sound disabled(no need of turning-OFF warning tones)
3.Music Player only scans E: \Music\Mp3 directory
4.Audio Recording quality changed to High
5.The number of Save sent messages Changed to 999
6.Character Encoding Support changed to Full
7.Delivery Reports changed to ON
8.Changed Show call duration to ON
9.Changed Summary after call to ON
10.Font Size changed to small
11.Real Player volume changed to 100
12.Browser Cache moved to Memory card ie E drive
13.Camera will free RAM after Closing it quality increased
15.filemanager can send all types of file
16.FOTA disabled
18.Improved Heap size
19.cache optimisation
20.prodcast removed
21.resume broken download
22.SWI Policy Modified
23.Caller ID Display Name And Number
24.Improvement in CPU, Graphic, Gaming Improved valume and call volume changed to 80%
26.Memory Card Icon ON
27.improved video capture
29.writing speed is set to maximum
....;;;;Important Apps are available in Z:\data\softwares\ for manual installation;;;;....
Tools Needed for Flashing:
1.Pheonix Latest Version(2011)
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2.Nokia C5-00 CFW v1.0 by me
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(pasword of RAR archieve is samnettt)
*) I have zero responsibility on any damage or complaint caused during or after flashing with this CFW.
Do it at your own risk.
All the best
*) Need ur feedback, suggestions and doubts.
You are my strength.
Some screenshots here:

[ Komentarz dodany przez: sieman0: 8 kwietnia 2012, o 10:32 ]
Please codding links and choose the contrasting colours. I helped you last week about this CFW because I was working on N97 custom too.