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[RM-469] Nokia E52 -1

Post [RM-469] Nokia E52 -1 1 May 2010, o 20:15

Male - Administrator  Posts/Topics12083/1215  Reputation point 17485 
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Windows Vista Firefox
Oprogramowanie do
Nokii E52 (RM-469)


Oznaczenia paczek

Major Package - paczka główna, zawierająca softy niebrandowane (oczywiście w j. polskim).
Minor Package -- aktualizacja paczki głównej, zawierająca softy brandowane (operatorskie).

Wersja 081.003 / 091.003 / 091.004 (EURO)

Custom Firmware

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Wersja 071.004 (EURO)

Major Package 12.00

The following new features and updating options are available for your Nokia E52.
* New, faster version of the web browser, including web search integrated into the web address field, and support for multiple windows
* Here and Now application, which provides you with timely information on your current location, including the weather forecast and details of local movies, restaurants, and events
* Emoticons can be used in text and multimedia messages
* New versions of Maps and Ovi Store
* Ovi Contacts removed
* General performance and usability improvements.

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Trzeba rozpakować np. do: C:\Program Files\Common Files\Nokia\DataPackage\Products\RM-469.
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Wersja 054.003 (EURO)

Major Package 10.00

* Removed Ovi files
* In homescreen Camera shortcut is replaced with Ovi Store shortcut in Business and Personal modes.
* New localisation string has been added to phone.loc to handle invalid sim card , text_invalid_card , has been added
* Wrong timezone for Vietnam (Merge task for Vietnam fix)
* Israel is available in Search application country list instead of Jerusalem.
* Some Chinese characters cannot be find out if using the "*" key to switch the tone
* Blank Spaces are displayed in symbol table with Thai Vowels
* Wrong Internet APN issue
* Java Applications downloaded from operator Turkcell channel fails to launch if the phone language is Turkish

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Wersja 052.003 (EURO)

Major Package 8.00

PR3.0 based software released.
* OMA Device Management is working
* Some usability improvements:
* Changing the default system start up date (11/10/2010)
* Keypad Autolock changed to work only from home screen

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Wersja 051.018 (EURO)

Major Package 7.00

Data package content, Changelog, corrections or changes:

* Browser upgrade into 7.2.6
* Cherry updated to version 2.1
* Freestyle Baseline 3.0 (latest version) update
* QuickOffice upgrade into 6.2.439
* New languages introduced, Office 2007 compatibility
* OVI Music client Inc9Br5 update
* Music 3.0: full album purchase, PIN less activation
* Lotus Notes Traveller 8.5.1 update
* My Nokia update
* OVI Store 1.6 update
* OVI Sync 2.0 update
* OVI Files widget update

* Windows Live removal

* New chat functionalities for the users
* Microsoft Office Communicator added to vanilla SW UDA content
* Nokia Messaging for Instant Messaging / Nokia Chat 2.0 added to vanilla SW UDA

* Improved Email, Calendar and Contacts experience
* Performance improvements
* Stability and usability improvements
* No changes to vanilla memory cards

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Wersja 34.001 (EURO)

Major Package 6.00

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Wersja 033.002 (EURO)

Major Package 5.00

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Wersja 032.001 (EURO)

Major Package 4.00

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Wersja 031.012 (EURO)

Major Package 3.00

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Wersja 022.009 (EURO)

Major Package 2.00

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Wersja 021.013 (EURO)

Major Package 1.00

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Post Re: [RM-469] Nokia E52 -1 31 May 2010, o 16:40

Male - User  Posts/Topics2/0  Reputation point 0 
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Windows Vista Firefox
proszę o doradzenie czy warto instalować tę nowy soft do noki e52 czy jak go zainstaluje czy wszystko będzie ok czy będe miał polski język w meni

[ Komentarz dodany przez: pawelooss: 30 maja 2010, o 18:57 ]
Ehh, wszystko zależy od Product Code, które wybierzesz sobie do wgrania (polskie to Euro3)...

Arty obadaj, FAQ oblukaj,
Na drugi raz wiedz, że jak nie wiesz - to Szukaj.

[ Dodano: 30 maja 2010, o 19:06 ]
to czyli to jest polskie tak Wersja 031.012 (EURO)

Major Package 3.00

[ Komentarz dodany przez: pawelooss: 30 maja 2010, o 19:15 ]
W tej paczce są softy europejskie, nie tylko sam polski.

[ Dodano: 31 maja 2010, o 16:40 ]
jak mam zainstalować tego nowego softa pomocy bo nie wiem
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Post Re: [RM-469] Nokia E52 -1 17 Feb 2011, o 10:48

Male - Expert  Posts/Topics4427/480  Reputation point 5230 
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Windows 7 Firefox
Wersja 051.018 (EURO)

Major Package 7.00

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[ Dodano: 6 wrz 2010, o 22:20 ]
Świeży, dzisiejszy :lol:

[ Dodano: 6 wrz 2010, o 22:47 ]
Data package content, Changelog, corrections or changes :

* Browser upgrade into 7.2.6
* Cherry updated to version 2.1
* Freestyle Baseline 3.0 (latest version) update
* QuickOffice upgrade into 6.2.439
* New languages introduced, Office 2007 compatibility
* OVI Music client Inc9Br5 update
* Music 3.0: full album purchase, PIN less activation
* Lotus Notes Traveller 8.5.1 update
* My Nokia update
* OVI Store 1.6 update
* OVI Sync 2.0 update
* OVI Files widget update


* Windows Live removal


* New chat functionalities for the users
* Microsoft Office Communicator added to vanilla SW UDA content
* Nokia Messaging for Instant Messaging / Nokia Chat 2.0 added to vanilla SW UDA


* Improved Email, Calendar and Contacts experience
* Performance improvements
* Stability and usability improvements
* No changes to vanilla memory cards

[ Dodano: 26 lis 2010, o 16:13 ]
Wersja 052.003 (EURO)

Major Package 8.00

Linki do paczki:
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PR3.0 based software released.
* OMA Device Management is working
* Some usability improvements:
* Changing the default system start up date (11/10/2010)
* Keypad Autolock changed to work only from home screen

[ Dodano: 29 lis 2010, o 21:29 ]
Ktoś założył hasło. Nowy link:
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[ Dodano: 30 lis 2010, o 19:01 ]
Hasło do pierwszego linka: to jest skradziony link

[ Dodano: 17 lut 2011, o 09:48 ]
Wersja 054.003 (EURO)

Major Package 10.00

Linki do paczki:
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* Removed Ovi files
* In homescreen Camera shortcut is replaced with Ovi Store shortcut in Business and Personal modes.
* New localisation string has been added to phone.loc to handle invalid sim card , text_invalid_card , has been added
* Wrong timezone for Vietnam (Merge task for Vietnam fix)
* Israel is available in Search application country list instead of Jerusalem.
* Some Chinese characters cannot be find out if using the "*" key to switch the tone
* Blank Spaces are displayed in symbol table with Thai Vowels
* Wrong Internet APN issue
* Java Applications downloaded from operator Turkcell channel fails to launch if the phone language is Turkish
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Post Re: [RM-469] Nokia E52 -1 19 Jun 2011, o 17:24

Male - 10%  Posts/Topics17/3  Reputation point 1 
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Windows 7 Chrome
posiada ktoś paczkę minor 54.003 bo nieopacznie zmieniłem pc w swojej nokii a posiadałem brandowany soft ery i nie chciałbym stracić gwarnacji
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Post Re: [RM-469] Nokia E52 -1 28 Jun 2011, o 12:06

Male - Expert  Posts/Topics4427/480  Reputation point 5230 
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Windows 7 Firefox
Wersja 071.004 (EURO)

Major Package 12.00

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Post Re: [RM-469] Nokia E52 -1 28 Jun 2011, o 12:09

Male - Friend  Posts/Topics1145/137  Reputation point 931 
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Windows XP Firefox
Wersja 071.004 (EURO)
A dlaczego NaviFirm nie widzi tej wersji?
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Post Re: [RM-469] Nokia E52 -1 28 Jun 2011, o 18:46

Male - Expert  Posts/Topics4427/480  Reputation point 5230 
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Windows 7 Firefox
Bo wycieki są szybsze.
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Post Re: [RM-469] Nokia E52 -1 30 Jun 2011, o 21:54

Male - User  Posts/Topics1/0  Reputation point 0 
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Windows 7 Firefox
juz w Navi jest FW 071.004
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Post Re: [RM-469] Nokia E52 -1 30 Jun 2011, o 23:45

Male - Administrator  Posts/Topics12083/1215  Reputation point 17485 
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Windows 7 Firefox
Znalazłem kilka różnych changelogów dla kilku softów. Cieszy nowa przeglądarka i emotki w wiadomościach.
Czas na update. :) ... n-devices/

The following new features and updating options are available for your Nokia E52.
* New, faster version of the web browser, including web search integrated into the web address field, and support for multiple windows
* Here and Now application, which provides you with timely information on your current location, including the weather forecast and details of local movies, restaurants, and events
* Emoticons can be used in text and multimedia messages
* New versions of Maps and Ovi Store
* Ovi Contacts removed
* General performance and usability improvements.

This software release brings you a new, faster version of the web browser, with easier access to common browsing features. Also, you can now search the web directly from the web address field. You can have several websites open in different windows, and easily switch between them. This release also comes with the Here and Now application, which provides you with timely information on your current location, including the weather forecast and details of local movies, restaurants, and events. You can now also insert emoticons in text and multimedia messages. There are also updated versions of several applications, such as Maps and Ovi Store, as well as general performance and usability improvements.

Let's give some corrections.Only the web browser engine is updated. The UI is the same, so no "integrated search". But it is faster and better, including some HTML5 support.
Here and Now ? It is on Ovi Store, free. BTW: The "new" version of Ovi Store included in the FW is still old and must be updated - another space lost on the small drive C:...
Ovi Maps it is indeed updated to the "latest" version (almost one year old...)
And, what is also updated and not mentioned:
- Email version is 3.13, newer than 3.09 offered as upgrade to the previous FW, so you can uninstall it before FW upgrade.
- Adobe Reader LE 2.5
- World Traveler seems to updated into the FW, I can't find it in the Application Manager list.

• Removed Ovi files
• In homescreen Camera shortcut is replaced with Ovi Store shortcut in Business and Personal modes.
• ou1cimx1#671389 Cert non-pass: TS51.010-1 TC27.16 Critical problem .New localisation string has been added to phone.loc to handle invalid sim card , text_invalid_card , has been added
o ou1cimx1#657194 7132Blr.070]OTC - Wrong timezone for Vietnam (Merge task for Vietnam fix)
o ou1cimx1#688596 OTC - Israel is available in Search application country list instead of Jerusalem.
o ou1cimx1#675888 Case: GENIUS ID 154737: Some Chinese characters cannot be find out if using the "*" key to switch the tone
o ou1cimx1#645468 Blank Spaces are displayed in symbol table with Thai Vowels
o ou1cimx1#667469 ERA Poland Fix: ou1cimx1#660124 ]ERA Poland/Heya - Wrong Internet APN issue
o ou1cimx1#676826 Java Applications downloaded from operator Turkcell channel fails to launch if the phone language is Turkish
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Post Re: [RM-469] Nokia E52 -1 1 Jul 2011, o 10:03

Male - Friend  Posts/Topics1145/137  Reputation point 931 
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Windows XP Firefox
nowik wrote:
juz w Navi jest FW 071.004

W jakiej wersji NaviFirm? Bo ja mam NaviFirm Plus 1.3 i nie ma tego softu
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Post Re: [RM-469] Nokia E52 -1 1 Jul 2011, o 15:05

Male - Expert Mod  Posts/Topics6343/292  Reputation point 4822 
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Symbian Mozilla
W C5 zmieniły się przyciski w odtwarzaczu i znacznik otwartej aplikacji ;D
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Post Re: [RM-469] Nokia E52 -1 1 Jul 2011, o 18:02

Male - Friend  Posts/Topics1145/137  Reputation point 931 
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Windows XP Firefox
Ale nie ma jeszcze chyba brandu dla PC z ERY/T-Mobile?
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Post Re: [RM-469] Nokia E52 -1 4 Jul 2011, o 09:45

Male - User  Posts/Topics5/0  Reputation point 0 
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Windows 7 Firefox
W NaviFirm jest co prawda kilka softów 71.004, ale tylko dla krajów APAC. Wersji EURO niestety nie ma...
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Post Re: [RM-469] Nokia E52 -1 4 Jul 2011, o 16:47

Male - Expert  Posts/Topics4427/480  Reputation point 5230 
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Windows 7 Firefox
Kogo obchodzi navifirm. Macie link do paczki i tylko wgrywać.
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Post Re: [RM-469] Nokia E52 -1 4 Jul 2011, o 21:00

Male - Administrator  Posts/Topics12083/1215  Reputation point 17485 
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Windows 7 Firefox
Wgrałem właśnie okrojoną wersję paczki z oprogramowaniem, wyłącznie z polskimi Product Code.
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Trzeba rozpakować np. do: C:\Program Files\Common Files\Nokia\DataPackage\Products\RM-469.
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