Phone Analyzer Pro v1.07.04 build 16

Aplikacje Android

Post by eros10 » 3 Sep 2016, o 06:19





Phone Analyzer Pro was initially devised as an app manager that would significantly simplify and expand the features in the Android app settings. The app we created does just that, but it offers so much more.

Main features:
- List of all apps and/or system apps
- Special expert view mode
- Flagging of "out-of-the-norm" apps (size, number of permissions)
- Output of highly detailed app information
- Intelligent app permission analysis
- 15 different sorting options (by name, oldest, newest, largest, number of permissions, Android target version, and much more)
- Multi-uninstall option
- Sort order can be changed at the touch of a button (ascending/descending)
- Cache cleaner
- App search function
- List of all running services
- Storage analysis and evaluation (internal and external storage)
- SD card benchmark with global comparison
- Detailed Android system information
- Comprehensive statistics section based on continuously updated data records (Android distribution, 32/64 bit CPU distribution; Bluetooth LE, NFC, tablets with SIM card slot, device sizes, average running hours, average number of apps installed, average number of services running, list of apps with the highest numbers of permissions, average RAM size, average SD card size and memory usage, distribution by countries and manufacturers, "internal" app information, and much more.

Requirements : Android 4.0+
Size : 5 mb


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Post by adam111 » 27 kwi 2009, o 00:00

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