Power Doctor - Saver Pro v2.2.17

Aplikacje Android

Post by eros10 » 11 Oct 2016, o 09:53





Description :
This app is the most efficient and professional Android power booster. Battery Doctor - Battery Saver helps user to save battery life just in a single Tap whenever it starts trickle. This smart battery optimizer gives your phone the ability to enable settings for killing background running apps while functioning as Memory Cleaner, Ram Booster, and Task Killer for a better battery performance. You can save battery life up to 2x - 4x more to boost your phone get along a lot more faster.

★ Fast Charging
Battery Fast Charge regulates the manner in which your device is charged with a Unique 3 Stage Charging system to ensure you get the most out of your battery and reminds you not to over charge. It also has features that can monitor and regulate power consumption.

★ Memory Boost
Clean up memory (RAM) and optimize phone speed by removing redundant background tasks.
Stop auto-start Apps to increase boot speed and reduce memory usage.
1-tap memory cleaner and booster widget makes it easy to clean your phone directly from the home screen.

★ Battery saver
Battery saver is more than a power optimizer app, which does not need online connectivity to perform tasks. Works best on even non root Android phones. So just leave the idea to replace your installed battery to get extra charging. Go extend battery life with deep sleep mode when your phone is not in use.

★ Clean Junk Files
Smart Clean helps to delete cache files, residual junk files to reclaim storage. Improve the performance of your device.

★ Phone Cooler
It monitors your phone's temperature in real time and analyzes which apps are causing the overheating. This identification is the key to starting the cooling process that lowers the CPU temperature, keeping your phone in the normal range.

★ Device Information
Handy status of CPU, memory (RAM), GPU, battery and hardware features.
Keep track of memory (RAM), storage space and CPU/battery temperature.
Stop Apps from wasting battery life and causing device to overheat.
Tune Up task manager's memory thresholds to optimize your phone's performance

★ Monitor
Track your phone remaining charging time while managing essential tasks as a smart optimizer. Monitor App Consumption - See which system application i.e Bluetooth, Wifi or data GPRS consumes the more battery power while power optimizer commends you power management solution.

Info :
Requirements : Android 3.0 +
Size : 5 mb

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