pawelooss wrote:chinaman, you have to wait for an answer of ndt, the PPModd programmer.
But could you upload the problematic PPM file? For example at, or similar.
chineman wrote:i could't upload the PPM file to this site
chinaman wrote:ou can download this PPM from RapidShare
pawelooss wrote:chinaman, do you have in China the similiar page(s) with S40 patches? Could you give me a links?
pawelooss wrote:It meant sites with changed PPM files and about changing text, graphics in these PPM files, for example by PPModd. Only that. I asked because I was intriguing. Thanks.
pawelooss wrote:chinaman, you have to wait for an answer of ndt, the PPModd programmer.
michero wrote:Where did you find that chinaman is indignity?:) for us chinaman means man from china, nothing more, really:)
ndt wrote:ok ill try to do some research
ndt wrote:ok ill try to do some research
pawelooss wrote:He is the sole developer of next-generation PPModd, so maybe he does not know how to fix it. That same it is with the lack of editing capabilities 3110c & 5200XM fonts - there is also no solution for a 10 months.
He maybe also have no time. It is no surprise - after all, he is now mainly working about SE. But big thanks for what he did and that no one else in the world is not done.
Chinese wrote:pawelooss,as you said, our problem won't be resolved, it's right?
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