QuitNow! PRO - Stop smoking v5.48.0

Aplikacje Android

Post by eros10 » 7 Mar 2017, o 01:29





Description :
The PRO version unlocks all the features of the app, to help you to quit smoking.

- Unlocked health screen: You'll know how much time you need to complete all the health improvements. And it's updated second by second!
- 52 more achievements: Tons of achievements to complete. You'll need several years to complete them all! By the way, we'll wait for your e-mail!
- Mention indicators and real-time notifications: The community is great. But, with real time notifications, it gets better!
- Unlimited chat scrolling: Do you like history? Well! With the PRO version, you'll see all the conversations. The app was launched at 2010, so... let's scroll!
- Fully customize your own Widget: Let the colorful magic start! Customize the QuitNow! widget and make your desktop shine!
- No ads: If you pay for the app, the ads will disappear... and that's great!
- Thank the developers team: We're great people willing to do our best. And purchasing the app, you send us some energy to go on helping people to quit smoking. You're welcome! :·)
- And... it's a lifetime purchase: The PRO app will work in all your phones and tablets, no matter if they're old or new!

Info :
Requirements : Android 4.0+
Size : 17 mb

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Post by adam111 » 27 kwi 2009, o 00:00

BoTs RoX! :D
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