Hi guys here i am posting a best method to replace NIF files with PNG
I searched whole world wide web to find out all best NIF files for my phone and also found that many users wants to change there old NIF files with some new ones but as luck doesnt always works after trying many times creating NIF files with all possible programs i just wasted my time and got nothing, but now no more worries just go through post and get something new in your phone.
I think it is going to be the first post on world wide web so i dont think you guys can find this at any other website and i know that now your mind started thinking that how it is possible below is step by step method to do that and get your desired battery, message or any other indicators or icons.
Tools needed
>notepad++(plus plus)
>"working mind"
1) Open your PPM through ppmod.
2) Expand PPM then expand ANIM.
3) Now press right click on ANIM and there will option to export, now save all your animation in desired folder.
4) Open NIF MANAGER (in nif manager select viewer tab) and open the first NIF file.
5) In NIF MANAGER note down the corresponding name to the NIF file you want To replace with PNG(for example my first nif icon is of 'message sending failed' and its name is 'anim_0027.nif'.
6) Collect PNG files correspondin to NIF.
7) Replace all your NIF files with there corresponding PNG in the folder where you saved your animations.

9) Open this(anim.xml) file with notepad++ (press right click there will appear option to edit with notepad ++)
10) In notepad++ click on search and enter one by one names of your NIF files without extension and change there extension with ".png" (not in capital letters) (example replace 'anim_0027.nif' with 'anim_0027.png') and when you finished changing extensions for all files goto file and press save.
11) Again open your PPM through ppmod.
12) expand PPM.
13) Here also notedown the number of ANIM Section from upside down (i think it would be 5th or 6th)
14) Now press right click on ANIM and there will option to delete it, hit delete.
15) Now press right click on PPM and there will appear option "import from xml.
16) Now here select the "anim.xml" (the one that you had edited with notepad++, remember that all your replaced PNG, other original icons and anim.xml file should be in same folder)
17) Wait for sometime to load all your animations.
18) Focus here that you have imported ANIM but it is last one so put it at its original location by pressing right click there will appear option "up", it will push it upside from where it was so set it at its location
19) Now hit create in PPMOD after finishing all the modifications and save it.
20) Hoorrrey you had finished modification now just flash your phone with custom PPM file.
21) May be i will post the next topic for uploading all my modified icons here after finising it.
22) I use BEST (bb5 easy service tool, as it have option to flash with ppm only so no need to create backup and restore data on your phone because flashing with ppm only doesnt effects your personal files but still i suggest you to take backup if you are newbie.
Good luck
if still any question rolling in mind most welcome.