[Strzelanki] Robert Rodriguez presents PREDATORS™ 1.0

Gry iPod touch & iPhone & iPad

[Strzelanki] Robert Rodriguez presents PREDATORS™ 1.0

Postby ryuano » 4 Jul 2010, o 09:35

Robert Rodriguez presents PREDATORS™ 1.0

Tylko jeden link!!



Wersja: 1.0
Rozszerzenie: .ipa
Rozmiar: 109,47 Mb

These humans are the most dangerous killers on the planet…but it’s not their planet. This planet is a game preserve and they are the prey. Pit your incredible Predator strength, stealth, and alien technology against the killer instincts of the nine deadliest human beings alive. Prove you are the ultimate Predator. Begin the hunt and end their lives.


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ryuano Male
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