[Wyścigi] Slingshot Racing

Gry Android

[Wyścigi] Slingshot Racing

Postby jonny » 24 Feb 2013, o 17:01


Steampunkowe wyścigi z unikalnym sterowaniem.


★ Touch Arcade 4.5/5 'Mobile Racing Redefined'

★ iPhone Alley 4.5/5 'Beautifully Redefines the Common Racing Formula'

★ Apple n' Apps 4.5/5 'Slingshot Racing is a must buy that will have you hooked from the first slingshot.'

★ 148apps 4.5/5 'Snowbolt and Crescent Moon have absolutely nailed this game'

★ Gamezebo 4/5 'Silky smooth one-touch racing gameplay.'

★ TouchGen 4/5 'As multiplayer games on one device go I think Slingshot Racing is hard to beat.'

★ App Advice: 'A New Genre Of Racing Emerges In Slingshot Racing'

★ AppSpy 4/5

★ App-Score 9/10 'Slingshot Racing is one of the most innovative games we've playing in a long time'

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[Wyścigi] Slingshot Racing

Postby ryuano » 12 Jul 2013, o 22:44

Slingshot Racing APK (Android)


Requires Android: 2.2

Slingshot Racing is an original racing game developed exclusively for touchscreen devices. Behold a beautiful steampunk environment with ice tracks, grappling hooks, snowmen and more!

Pro Tip: To deploy the hook try picking a corner of the screen and just keep pressing there. You do not need to press on the towers to slingshot



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