Speed Reader Pro v1.4 b11

Aplikacje Android

Post by eros10 » 16 Sep 2016, o 23:08





In the full version you get a chance to change the read speed of up to 1500 words per minute.
You can also change the text color and the central letters of a word.
And no advertising!

Train and improve your reading up to speed 1500 word/minute !
Create and open your book again and again (You'll like this) !

If you need to train your reading to speed 1500 word/minute in the short term - simply install Speed Reader, copy text, create book and read ! It's fun and fast!
After 1-2 week you'll can read on speed 500-600 word in minute.

You can change speed of reading, size of text and color of text.
You can read in night mode, it's very conveniently.
If your want to improve your reading skill 1 week or less - this is BEST for you !

This appication very fast and easy to use.
Simply look to center of the screen and read !

Requirements : Android 4.0.3+
Size : 6 MB


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Post by adam111 » 27 kwi 2009, o 00:00

BoTs RoX! :D
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