Platforma : S60v3-S60v5

:::::::::::::::::::::::::::: INSTALLATION NOTE ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
x Time of installation is very long x
x If you have installed SuperTux you must Unistall x
:::::::::::::::::::::::::::: CHANGELOG v1.05 ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
ADD : New Icon
FIX : Graphics , Add new SuperMario Texture
:::::::::::::::::::::::::::: CHANGELOG v1.02 ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
FIX : Grahpics Bugs
FIX : Dialog
ADD : SuperMario real soundFX(no Music)
FIX : OpelGL Rendering
:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ::::::
1. Super_mario (5.68 MB)
- Code: Select all
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