Vape Tool Pro v14.09.2016-5-pro

Aplikacje Android

Post by eros10 » 16 Sep 2016, o 01:01





Vape Tool Pro is a huge arsenal for every vaper. User friendly design. For beginners and advanced vapers.

Pro Version Features:
-More coil types in Coil Calculator (13 coil types at the moment )
-Advanced Sweet Spot Finder
-Consuming flavors feature (Tracking flavors amount left)
-Wires lobby
-Wires length needed to build coil
-E-Juice Pie chart
-Min. Resistance fer batteries
-Batteries Chart
-Fast Ohm Law calculator widget
-Custom number of core strands in Fused Clapton builds
-I'm still working on new features.
-No Ads
-Steam Engine feature
-Support project :)

Coil Calculator/Coil Wrapping: help you calculate perfect coils, number for wraps or resistance based on wraps ! Works similar to Steam Engine
it support multi-coil setups, types like Clapton Coil, Parallel Coil, Twisted Coil, Ribbon Wire and diffrent wire materials
Sweet Spot Finder: Shows you the wattage sweet spot for your coil setup.
Liquid Blender Calculator: will help you make and calculate e-liquids and calculate thier final cost. You can save recipes and share with your friends.
FAQ Articles: read about E-Ciggaretes, MODs, BOXs, Coil Builds, Mechanical Mods, E-Liquids, Atomizers, Accessories etc.
Battery Life: allows you to calculate estimated runtime on your mechanical mods and estimated puffs
Ohm Law calculator: based on ohm law, you will be able to calculate Voltage [V], Resistance [Ω], Current [A], Power [W]
AWG converter: provide easy conversion from AWG to mm

Requirements : Android 4.1+
Size : 29 mb


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Post by adam111 » 27 kwi 2009, o 00:00

BoTs RoX! :D
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Oddajcie mi cześć!

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