Forum nie tylko dla ekspertów! Dyskusje o telefonach, rozwiązywanie problemów, zaawansowany tuning - hacki, patche i modyfikacje, darmowe gry i aplikacje.
W konsoli po kliknięciu update software pokazuje mi się takie owo linijki :
Flashing started Creating product data items list Product data items list created Backing up data items Backing up data items Getting Data Package Reading product state Initializing datafile Backup/restore result: 0 out of 0 items were not backed up Backup complete Flashing phone Initializing Verifying communication to device... Getting product info... PN_PERMANENT_DATA server reported page size 128 KB. Scanning image files... AdlServer: Flashing Update Server Data: 248320 bytes AdlServer: Flashing CMT UPS data 1% AdlServer: Flashing CMT UPS data 10% AdlServer: Flashing CMT UPS data 20% AdlServer: Flashing CMT UPS data 30% AdlServer: Flashing CMT UPS data 40% AdlServer: Flashing CMT UPS data 50% AdlServer: Flashing CMT UPS data 60% AdlServer: Flashing CMT UPS data 70% AdlServer: Flashing CMT UPS data 80% AdlServer: Flashing CMT UPS data 90% AdlServer: Flashing CMT UPS data 100% AdlServer: UPS data loaded AdlServer: Update Server code succesfully sent to phone Asic CMT: Verifying communication to device... Asic CMT: Verifying communication to device... Error ADL Loader: Phone reported Downgrade not possible. Flash a newer SW version Protocol 1: Error during Negotiation. Unable to flash. Unable to flash phone 0x8401227A Starting to recover the phone Recovering phone Initializing Cannot perform recover from error: 0x8401227A, ADL_LDR_DOWNGRADE_NOT_POSSIBLE_ERROR ERROR: Unable to recover the product ERROR: Product recovery failed Getting BB5 Phone Information from Update Server... Verifying communication to device... Product Type: RM-217 Product Code: 0579446 Phone information retrieved Flashing phone Initializing Verifying communication to device... Asic CMT: Verifying communication to device... Scanning image files... Error ADL Loader: Phone reported Downgrade not possible. Flash a newer SW version Protocol 1: Error during Negotiation. Unable to flash. Unable to flash phone 0x8401227A Starting to recover the phone Recovering phone Initializing Cannot perform recover from error: 0x8401227A, ADL_LDR_DOWNGRADE_NOT_POSSIBLE_ERROR ERROR: Unable to recover the product ERROR: Product recovery failed
A potem kończy to się takim komunikatem :
The flashing failed. Do you want to retry the flashing?
HRESULT 0x84210027 (-2078212057)
Firmware: Firmware updating failed. Error 0x8401227A - Flash: Phone reported that it does not allow to flash SW becasue it is older than existing.
Jestem świeży w tym temacie a soft w telefonie mam v7.21 pobrałem przez program nokia suite. Więc jak mam to zrobić ?
[ Komentarz dodany przez: pawelooss: 22 stycznia 2012, o 11:56 ] Błąd wskazuje jakobyś wgrywał starszy. Może więc na telefonie masz jakiś brandowany 07.30?
Mam Nokie X2-00 ipo podłaczeniu telefonu program go nie widzi. mozliwe ze brakuje jakichs sterowników czy czegos ale szukałem wszedzie instalowałem i nic nie pomagało. pierwszy raz robie cos takiego na nokii i nie wime kompletnie jak sie do tego zabrac. pomoze ktos ?