Hi please wait march 2010, version 8 above is in work , that includes lots of new features for nokia 5130 xm . Above 8 means that may be 8.20 or 8.30 etc . Take care
I thought that 8.xx would be released end of February?
Hi dear ............Update will be release in Feb.. Or march.
Generally, it's better to run the latest firmware. And, updating the firmware is not a big deal considering the fact that you have to be a bit careful with the PC and your phone's battery before you start updating. Therefore, it's good to check for updates and update the firmware when something new is available.
Nokia doesn't announce when a new update will be available unless it's some flagship model, therefore do not go behind speculations.
Yesterday I brought my phone to nearest Nokia Care center, with additional problem with new firmware (v7.91), they updated it to v7.95 (realest February 3rd, 2010).
Still there is no Active stand-by, there is no screensaver or power saving option as well, but at least everything works almost fine (except Music player still isn`t as fast as it was with v9.94, but it`s not so lag full as it was with v7.91).
And option Downloads is now replaced with OVI Store.
So, please, Nokia, if you can`t make v8.xx sooner, then at least give us back v6.94, it was the most stable version of all.
I recently updated my phone to the new version 7.91 and it is terrible. I have lost the screen saver option. My phone is responding slower. Usually an update should enhance the feature but this update has de-enhanced the features. Its too bad. When will the next update be released for Nokia 5130 or can I rollback to the previous version
I have the same issue with the lagging when changing tracks it's beyond annoying, hopefully whenever the next updates out it rectifies this problem.
In 7.91
1.Screen saver option has been taken off...
2.the standby time is also not visible..
3.the images attached to contacts are small now when a incoming calls comes.
4. Music player is slow
Nokia has upgraded or degraded the phone software?
when does the next firmware willl be release? v7.91 sucks some of its menus and features are gone
Hi, I installed the 5130 version of XM at 7.95 v, but still no screen saver and a music player is 5 seconds, then switch to a different music and a new update to fix this when you that happy when I come over
ya I agree with you Active standby and screensaver option are very important & In nokia 5130's software version 07.91 music player is very slow.
I totally agree with you, main thing, that they should change is speed of the music player, because it is now incredibly slow comparing to the previous version (v6.94). I even brought my phone to service, and said, if you can`t get previous firmware back, than change to another phone.
Of course, Active standby had to be there, because, why does Nokia 5220 XM has one, but 5130 XM don`t???
And screensaver would be nice too.
Please fix the problem with the music player which is very slow!!!
7.95 sucks.....nothin gud about it,no active standby n nuthin.only name changed to 7.95 from 7.91.nokia is acting like a **bleep**in corp right now.give features on launch and remove support after 2 years to make them buy another phone from them.i was thinking about getting an n8 when it releases but now i swear its iphone or xperia x10 for me
Hi cramhole m totally agree with u , do u know nokia 5130 is a mid value phone so nokia is not seriously working on its firmware(updates) e.g. nokia 5800 is a smartphone & its updates leaches after every 1- 2 months. In 07.95 media player totally sucks. No new feature added nd our choice is awesome I phone is best.
i updated from 6.93 to 7.91......my phone became more slower and , screensaver , power saver options are also not there in the new firmware
hey nokia ............wat is this ..........new version is more slower .......plz get bck soon with a new improved version..........
Rafal560 wrote:UWAGA! Nie zalecam aktualizacji oprogramowania do wersji 07.91 i 07.95 ze względu na błąd w fonotece, wersja 07.95 jest tu dlatego że częściowo eliminuje ten błąd z wersji 07.91 (Odtwarzacz mniej się przycina) Jeżeli masz starszą wersje od tych tu podanych- nie aktualizuj oprogramowania!
Vanquish wrote:To po co wrzucasz to?
Rafal560 wrote:wersja 07.95 jest tu dlatego że częściowo eliminuje ten błąd z wersji 07.91
Vanquish wrote:Przecież i tak na górze tego twojego ostrzeżenia nie ma i wszyscy idą na 7.95 (-_-)
Vanquish wrote:Ale gdybyś tego nie napisał to nie rozpowszechniło by się tak
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