PPModify 0.87 b. 3574:
- some VFNT chunks were not handled properly, fixed
[ Dodano: 2009-08-20, 20:41 ]
PPModd 0.90 + PPModify 0.87, b. 3595:
- PPModify recognized new ANIM types (jpg, bmp, m3g, nif - not decode)
PPModify 0.87 b. 3574:
- some VFNT chunks were not handled properly, fixed
PPModd 0.90 + PPModify 0.87, b. 3595:
- PPModify recognized new ANIM types (jpg, bmp, m3g, nif - not decode)
PPModd b.3596:
- TONE chunk handling added
- new node pasted before chunk/subchunk terminator (DUMFILE)
- anim_add_uid option added, for easier comparing NIF animations
ndt wrote:@pawelooss, masz wyczucie
PPModd b.3602:
- string tokens in new ppm files could be 255 bytes characters long, fixed
- also flash_dev bytes might be different, fixed too
PPModd b.3603:
- anim 3gp type added
PPModd b.3604:
- file names handled using system code page
PPModd b.3607:
- fixed serious bug with counting text subchunk entries
PPModd b.3608:
- imported xml node inserted before chunk/subchunk terminator
- leading spaces were cut from strings, fixed (thanks to Doom for pointing this out)
PPModd b.3639:TriX FATe b.3639:
- fixed VFNT subchunks handler to work with rm443
- added SHA-1 hash generation
- fixed TFILE FAT structure to work with files larger than 32MB
- ui_dlg_load_file improvement
- file_get_path replaced by set_cwd to get better results in debugging
- added ui_dlg_save_file
- small commit to handling TriX .txj projects
- small bugfixes
Mafiu wrote:Co mam pobrać żeby działało? W wątku kilka linków i jestem zdezorientowany.
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