markpol91 wrote:pawelooss, sciągłem nowego ppmodda i biblioteki, wypakowałem je i wywaliło mi bład że aplikacja jest niewłasciwa, a jak zamienie biblioteki na stare to nie dam rady Utworzyc ppma, bo jak naciskam create ppm to wyskakuje bład.
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PPModd b.3670:
- fixed bug in TONE handling code
PPModd b.3671:
- text bitmasks added
- some text chunks weren't handled properly (ZHxx), fixed
PPModd b.3673:
- restoring window size and position next time application is started
- commented UiDlg Load/Save File calls for now, some bug is still around
rev. 3673:
- fixed handling phoenix 0x54 header type (in some cases header length is different than 0x13 bytes)
TriX + PPModd, b.3691:
- fmtCNT handles more than one segment for now
- fixed fmtCNT issue with segments overlaps
- bb5 token 0xF3 is half word length, fixed
- fsig_ext uses built in sha1 calc now
- fixed some warnings
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